Connecting Angel Investors with Startup Dreams

The Latvian Business Angel Network (LatBAN) is a network of angel investors who make investments in startups with exceptional growth potential. Ex-business owners and other curious, experienced professionals support founders of innovative projects in Latvia and abroad with their expertise, time, and money.
LatBAN in Numbers
  • More than 75 LatBAN members
  • More than 15M EUR invested
  • More than 150 unique startups invested
Latest news
    Who we are?
    Imagine a vibrant community where seasoned and new business angels join forces with visionary entrepreneurs, like a symphony of wisdom and innovation harmonizing for success. LatBAN is your backstage pass to this dynamic network, where ideas take flight, dreams gain traction, and the future is shaped, one brilliant startup venture at a time.
    What do we do?
    LatBAN creates a community for local business angels to gain access to a dealflow of promising startup companies. We foster a community of experience sharing, education and collaboration.
    LatBAN Partners